Michael S. Evans
Michael S. Evans is a writer and editor working at the intersection of language, culture, and technology. Seeking Good Debate is his first book. His writing has appeared in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Inside Higher Ed, Contemporary Sociology, Science Communication, and PLOS ONE, among others. His academic history includes a PhD in sociology from the Science Studies Program at UC San Diego, an NSF/JSPS EAPSI Fellowship in the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo, and several years as a William H. Neukom 1964 Fellow in the Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth College.
Review: Secular Conversions, Contemporary Sociology
The Right to Pursue Happiness is the Right to Pursue Education, Huffington Post
Trump, the Religious Right, and Public Religion, UC Press Blog
Algorithms: The Future That Already Happened, The Los Angeles Review of Books
Why Not Make Journal Acceptance Portable?, Inside Higher Ed
The Hidden Religion and Science Conflict, Huffington Post
Review: American Secularism, Sociological Forum
Review: Scientific Controversies, Contemporary Sociology
Making Science Enthusiasm Work, Huffington Post
Review: Mystical Science and Practical Religion, American Journal of Sociology
Review: The Lost Art of Finding Our Way, Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Review: Faith Based, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Imagining Public Debate, Science as Culture
Review: Human Dignity and Bioethics, Contemporary Sociology
Wikipedia Verification Check: A Chrome Browser Extension, WWW '17 Companion
Seeking Good Debate, University of California Press
Speaking of Participation: A Qualitative Research Note, SAGE Open
Religion and Political Decision-Making, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
A Computational Approach to Qualitative Analysis in Large Textual Datasets, PLOS ONE
Who Wants a Deliberative Public Sphere?, Sociological Forum
Supporting Science: Reasons, Restrictions, and the Role of Religion, Science Communication
Sociology and Christianity, The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity
Arguing Against Darwinism: Religion, Science, and Public Morality, The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion
Achieving Continuity: A Story of Stellar Magnitude, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Zelizer’s Theory of Money and the Case of Local Currencies, Environment and Planning A
Defining the Public, Defining Sociology: Hybrid Science-Public Relations and Boundary-Work in Early American Sociology, Public Understanding of Science
Religion and Science: Beyond the Epistemological Conflict Narrative, Annual Review of Sociology
Teaching and Learning
© Michael S. Evans 2008-2025